Modified In-Person Visits
With cases rising once again in King County, we continue to look for every opportunity to reduce exposure risk for both our patient families and our staff. One way we can reduce risk is to spend less time in the room together.
We are piloting modified in-person visits where the talking parts of the visit are done room-to-room via Zoom, and then the exam and any procedures are done (obviously!) in person. This also means that a second parent can join the visit via that same Zoom session!
We continue to ask that only one parent physically accompany the patient, unless that parent is newly postpartum and requires the help of another adult. Everyone 2 and up should continue to wear masks that cover both the nose and mouth.
We reduce risk by doing the talking portion of the visit from another room. This is a staged photo, but typically the windows would be open to improve ventilation, and everyone 2y and up wears a mask.