Contact Us

All patients can now schedule appointments through the widget on the Scheduling page!

Text/SMS: text 206-203-2509 (not secure)

Secure messaging: download the secure Spruce app. Make sure you have notifications enabled so you don’t miss our reply.

AthenaHealth portal — as of 7/27/22, we have a new portal! Please register or re-register for a new account so you can access Care/Visit Summaries and Lab results! in the new tablespace.

Phone: call 206-203-2509 but honestly texting is faster

Fax: 855-897-3364

Records request (electronic) (new!) — submit a records request online! You can also use the old PDF records request form to text, email or fax it to us. Please make sure we have records before your child’s first appointment.

Questions? Non-urgent questions can be texted to 206-203-2509 or messaged through Spruce. If it’s after hours and your question is urgent and you need to wake up a doctor, call 206-203-2509 and press 4 to be connected, or escalate the request through the automated texting interface by responding to questions about whether the question is urgent. There is a $75 charge for after hours calls (waived for babies under 8 weeks and those who received a frenotomy in the last day).

If you’re not sure if it’s urgent, Seattle Children’s has an excellent resource to help you figure out how concerned you should be.